Non-Financial Retirement Coaching
Add your scores to each statement to get a subtotal. Then add scores of statements 3, 4 and 6. Subtract from the subtotal to get your retirement readiness assessment score.
Score ratings:
15-30 You take whatever comes
30-45 You have a vague idea
45-60 You Identified an intention
60-65 You Identified an intention and options
What to do? Contact us with your scores and let's explore the possibilities that best serve you. You may consider:
Each of the statements below corresponds to a section in Circle Back to Your Dreams coaching process.
By assessing the degree you agree with these statements you can gain insight into how prepared you are for many of the non-financial aspects of retirement. Rate yourself using the following scale:
No way = 1 Occasionally = 2 Often = 3 A lot = 4 Totally = 5
Add ratings for statements 1-12 for Subtotal Score =
Add scores of items 3, 4, and 6 =
Subtract from subtotal =
Total Score =
Q1. _____
Q2. _____
Q3. _____
Q4. _____
Q5. _____
Q6. _____
Q7. _____
Q8. _____
Q9. _____
Q10. ____
Q11. ____
Q12. ____